Candy Jar
Still Life
I feel as an art teacher, we are always looking for a new way to do a still life project. Well, this is a fun one. Students need to draw a glass jar filled with themed candy and a fancy label with a unique title. The theme can be holiday related or color themed. They need to have at least three types of candy and it needs to look filled and layered. Sometimes, students draw the candy in a polka-dotted fashion, so, that it doesn't look like there's candy behind it. Almost as if they are floating. So, during one-on-one feedback time. I remind them to add candy behind the other candies.
Students have two sketchbook assignments for this. They draw the candy in graphite pencil and then in colored pencil. For the final, students can draw in colored pencil or graphite.

Part 1: Candy in Graphite Pencil

Part 2: Candy in Colored Pencil

How to draw the jar
This video shows how to create that glassy look. I love drawing glass. I have made a lot of glass drawings. So, this video will help students with developing that skill.