Kandinsky Lettering

Bring back cursive!

I have been teaching art for 19 years and what a difference between students that had cursive growing up to those that didn't. Cursive really helps with gesture drawing. Students today hold their pencils in way that hurts after 15-20 minutes of drawing, and I start the year with showing how artists hold a pencil so that can draw for hours. Cursive also teaches how to write faster which also means you can draw faster. I have a lot of step-by-step drawing demonstrations in class to help build their pacing skills.

This assignment combines cursive lettering with Wassily Kandinsky's art style. Here are the requirements:

  1. Your name or someone else's name in cursive

  2. Line work that divides the composition into at least ten sections

  3. At least ten Kandinsky style elements. For this, I draw examples on the board to be inspired from. This includes some of the shapes and line work designed by Kandinsky.

  4. Needs to show gradations. They need to start with a base color and then fade with a second color. This gives a more layered, finished look.

  5. Shows overlapping