Art Club

Cherry Blossom


Cherry Blossom Art

Design an art piece with cherry blossoms.


Let's Go, Retro!

This is a cartoon doddle with cutout colored paper. Yet, it has a retro vibe due to color choice.

3-D Zebra by Caroline Nay


3-D Art

We're going to try using blue and red to create 3-d art. One method is like the zebra as a black and white image with blue and red added to each side of the black lines. This creates a blurry effect when wear the red and blue 3-d glasses. The second way is to draw a red image and then a blue image that is different like the one below. When wearing the glasses, close one eye to only see one image and the try the opposite to see the other image.

Art Club Spring 2025


It's a new year with new projects. We will also go over the Art Club Sign Up Form.


Kandinsky Cursive

This project combines cursive and Wassily Kandinsky's art style. Check out the page for directions

This project has a watercolor background with a patterned feather. The lesson can be found on the Patterned Feather page

March 4. 2024

This is a fun, abstract project for St. Patrick's Day. It involves a lot of layering and waiting for each layer to dry.  Start by using colored pencils to create thin, wispy grass lines. Then paint wispy green grass lines. Layer different types of greens such as yellow-green and blue green to create depth. I also, like the splatter effect for textural contrast to the other grass lines. Last, paint in the clovers. Some leaves may be painted in colors other than green to give more visual interest.

Video Demonstration

Clover Straws

Video Demonstration

Feb. 26, 2024

Rings of Life

Every once and awhile, I see a cool project on Pinterest. This is my version. It is a mixed media project of a cross section of a tree. Students are asked to sketch the tree ring and then paint light and bright swirls. The outside is painted brown, so, that it does not look too abstract and reminds us of a tree. Then students sketch the center of the rings and then spirals it out. Starting at the center, students write their name and the year they were born. From there, they continue to tell their story until they reach the bark. Then they finish with black ink. I don't recommend darker colors because then you can't read the black ink very well.

Feb. 12, 2024

This project starts by making a bubble print and then finishing with a sea life creature.

Any sea life is great for this project, but really anything related to water will work such as ducks or a child blowing bubbles.

Copy of Box of Chocolates

Feb. 5, 2024

I saw this project on Facebook from an art teacher group and I thought it was so cute. It is also easy to make. This project is inspired by Wayne Thiebaud. The nice thing is that if students make it look messy, it still looks like a box of chocolates. I am not a big fan of oil pastels. but it works well here. 

Wayne Thiebaud

Wayne Thiebaud grew up in California and in high school worked as an apprentice for Disney Studios.  He did have a solo art show in San Franscisco after college, but he was not an overnight success with his Pop art style desserts. It was two years later when Pop Art became the trend in galleries made popular by Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein.  Pop Art is a style in art that started in the late 1950s and depicts images of popular items and popular culture.

The beauty in his work comes from his non-traditional color choices in the highlighting and shadows. 

Diana Chan

Jan. 29, 2024

Welcome Art Club! We are starting with a project inspired from Diana Chan. The project consists of starting with strips made by markers, an abstract watercolor background, and finished with black sharpie. My example is in the slide presentation.