Face Drawing
My Family
I have a whole wall of drawn pictures of family members on the living room wall and these are just a few of them. I am still working on more to add to the wall. There is also an oval shaped mirror in the middle, so that when you stand in front of it, you become part of the family. The thing with family drawings is that it is very important to get the facial features just right, otherwise, everyone will notice.
For this project, students practice drawing three different face poses by partnering up and drawing each other. Then they create a collaged triptych of the three face poses.
Sketchbook Assignment: Students will partner up and draw each other for each pose. In class, I demonstrate this first and then guide step-by-step while they are srawing each other. I also have videos for each pose. There are also step-by-step photos in Chapter 2.
Front of Face
Side Profile
Three-Quarter View

Front of Face Video

Side Profile Video

Three-Quarter View Video
Portrait Triptych
Students are asked to create a triptych of the three face poses on collaged paper drawn in ink. This is a great project to talk about the importance of contrast. Students are allowed to modify the faces as long as the proportions are correct.
Triptych Demonstration Video
Portrait drawing are generally taught every year as students advance from Beginning Art. In Intermediate Art, students draw portraits as monsters and in Advanced Art, they draw them as marble sculptures.